Tuesday, May 13, 2014

In the beginning...

Have you ever tried to walk through a new house in the dark? Most will find this almost impossible, I know I would not be able to do so without running into something. Its a not so easy walk in the dark.

Have you ever tired to find your way through a new town without the sunlight or GPS on your phone? Yeah, that's nearly impossible too. Its a not so easy walk in the dark.

But so is trying to find your faith in Jesus when you're going through a hard time. It is a not so easy walk in the dark when you don't have a GPS leading the way. Jesus is our GPS through life and when we don't have him we tend to find ourselves lost in the dark.

There have been times throughout life when we have questioned everything we believe in, if you haven't you're lying because at one point and time everyone has done it. Its okay to admit that. It is just part of finding you and what you truly believe in. But Jesus died for you no questions asked, not knowing if you were going to love him back. And you know what He was okay with that because regardless of the life you have lived no sin is any different from any other, and He will welcome you with arms wide open. I wish I would have realized this a lot sooner that I did.

I had my walk in the dark a while back. My faith was shattered at one point and time. This took me a long time to find my way out of the dark. My parents got divorced when I was a freshman in high school when I was most vulnerable, when I needed that male role model most. My dad was my best friend and one day I came home and he was gone. This was the beginning to my walk in the dark. I didn't understand how someone that I spent soooooo much time with could just up and leave me. We didn't talk for nearly three years. From there I had the thought that no one will stay forever and I began to shut people that I cared most about out. This wasn't a healthy time in life for me and no I do not regret any part of my past because I can not change it so why worry about it. It only helped me grow in the long run. I still occasionally have a stubborn side that tends to take a short walk in the dark alone. But its these walks that help me grow in my faith and to truly see the blessings God has given me in life and the relationships He's planted in my life.

God will not lead you somewhere you cannot handle being. Stay true to your faith and God will provide.


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