Thursday, May 15, 2014

The best has yet to come...

Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I wanted to share this with yall tonight because this scripture has been weighing on my heart this week. I have turned to this scripture a lot since I graduated from high school a year ago. When I graduated I still had no clue where I was going to go much less what I was going to major in. I was lost and utterly confused. I prayed for weeks on weeks waiting for a sign as to where I should go. I had cheer scholarships to OPSU and WBU and acedemic scholarships to ENMU. I was torn. But a month before I left for college I decided my cheer career was done and I would attend ENMU in the fall.

That August I moved to Portales, New Mexico and was alone. I had a few friends I had grown up with but I guess you could call them the "Party Crowd." I was so worried about finding friends and fitting in that I continued to party every weekend with them.

I was drifting from the straight and narrow again. I was missing class and getting behind on my school work. Mid semester I began to realize I was becoming the person I swore I'd never be and surrounding myself with the wrong people. Do not get me wrong each of the people I met at college are amazing and will do great things after finishing college they just weren't the people I needed to become. When finals came along I worked my butt off to get all A's and B's for my final grades, and made the decision to move home at Christmas and not return in the spring.

If not for my mother I probably would not have survived my first semester of college. She worked so hard to get me back on the straight and narrow. She was always so uplifting and encouraging. I am blessed to know she never once turned her back on me. She welcomed me home with arms wide open.

Anyways moral to my long drug out story, God has a plan and regardless of the plans you have his are always greater. He will always lead you "home". No matter what you are going through right now just keep in mind God has a plan and the best is yet to come. He will not lead you anywhere He has not made you strong enough to overcome. Stay strong in your faith and God will provide.


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