Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Reclaiming my FAITH...

I've come to find myself in The Lord and I have recommitted my life to Christ a few months back. And once I did a few things became so harshly clear for me. I had drifted so far from Christ that I was lost and alone in the dark.

You asked me what the scariest part was? I answered; the scariest part was not the loneliness or the darkness that fills you. But the scariest part was realizing that you have lost yourself completely. I was at the point where I thought I needed to please everyone and make everyone else happy before I focused on myself. When I was miserable making everyone else happy. Once I stopped caring what people were judging me for I found it easier to focus on me and what I needed to do to fix me and make me happy. Then things got a little scarier, because I didn't know where to start. I had strayed so far from God that I was lost and in the dark.

So I began to pray and pray and pray. Not once asking why He let me stray but what I needed to do to fix the mess I created for myself. My bank account was a wreck, my family life was stressed beyond measures, I came to realize my friends weren't really my friends, and the list goes on. But the point is I was in a place that had a lot to fix and I needed God to guide me. I was tired of being in that state of mind and I needed help.

So I reclaimed my faith and stood strong and God provided. I now have a full time job at the hospital, I'm going to nursing school, my bank account hasn't been over drawn in months, and as for my family and I we serve The Lord. It may have taken me a long time to get where I am today but I couldn't be happier and each day my faith grows a little more.


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